収録 Orchestre Poly Rythmo De Contonou Dahomey Super Eagles 03 Keleya / Moussa Doumbia (06:42) 04 Ceddo End Title / Manu Dibango (05:09) 05 Porry / Sorry Bamba (08:17) 06 Guajira Van / No.1 De No.1 (05:12) 07 Better Change Your Mind / William Onyeabor (08:23) 08 Allah Wakbarr / Ofo The Black Company (03:30) 09 Awon-Ojise-Oluwa / Gasper Lawal (06:23) 10 Zinabu / Bunzu Sounds (03:20) 11 Ifa / Tunji Oyelana & The Benders (04:59) 12 Sanjina / Orchestre Regional (08:32) 13 Minsato Le Mi Dayihome / Orchestre Poly Rythmo De Contonou Dahomey
#Orchestre_Poly_Rythmo_De_Contonou_Dahomey #Super_Eagles #Moussa_Doumbia Manu Dibango Sorry Bamba William Onyeabor Ofo The Black Company Gasper Lawal Bunzu Sounds Tunji Oyelana & The Benders Orchestre Regional Orchestre Poly Rythmo De Contonou Dahomey