Preface; The Textswith pivotal editorial direction (The New Spirit) and historical appraisals by Summerson, Curtis, Cook, Banham; The Texts: 1987-1991; Major theoretical texts by Wilson, Pawley, Pallasmaa are interwoven with appraisals of relevant new building, together with historical articles by Frampton, Dethier and others. The Texts: 1992-1995; The recovery of the modern is traceable but building critique is applied to a major case study analysing a postmodernist coup, the National Gallery Extension. Theoretical articles by Blundell-Jones, Cruickshank, and de Carlo qualify this recovery and re-emphasise underlying principles.
- AR100: The Recovery of the Modern - Architectural Review 1980-1995: Key Text and Critique - 著者: Peter Davey